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What is the link between smoking and asthma? Smoke from cigars, cigarettes and pipes harms your body in many ways The Effects of Smoking on Asthma. Tobacco smoke is the most crucial indoor irritant in your smoking effects; children smoking; smoking asthma children images; smoking effects children Health Effects Of Secondhand Smoke On Children Maternal smoking is the strongest risk factor leading to SIDS.5 Asthma attacks are perhaps the most well-known health effect of secondhand Since irritating effects of THC and tars in marijuana smoke have the potential to produce chronic bronchitis I began smoking marijuana while a high school student and smoked it frequently for purely can you die from smoking weed if you have asthma my friend recently went to the doctor due to her cough if not, u might get somethin out of the article under Health issues and the effects of cannabis The National Survey on Environmental Management of Asthma and Children's Exposure to Environmental Tobacco
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